Wet and Data-driven Monday

Today was very Monday, a caricature of Monday-ness, beginning with a torrential storm that soaked Lola and me thoroughly on our morning walk-- I was so wet, I actually had to change my underwear-- and then, after a long day of helping kids revise their expository essays, we had a department meeting, the most Monday of all meetings, the one where we analyze data from our grade books-- and Stacey said her reaction to looking at everyone's data-- the number of grades, the grade breakdown, the averages-- is that she either cries or acts like an asshole . . . but she did neither, so that was a win, I guess . . . anyway, we'll try it again on Tuesday.


Whitney said...

Blaming the change of underwear on the storm is a prudent move

zman said...

It takes a lot for an Italian-Hungarian man from central Jersey to change his underwear only two days into the week.

rob said...

that’s certainly what the data tells us

Professor G. Truck said...

zman is the running for comment of the year with that one

A New Sentence Every Day, Hand Crafted from the Finest Corinthian Leather.