Dave Sets Sail into a Deep Literary Sea

Let it be noted, that I, Dave, with unwavering resolve, have determined to embark upon an arduous literary journey and read a most voluminous tome penned by Eleanor Catton-- The Luminaries-- a work upon which was bestowed the illustrious Booker Prize-- and if you would like to join me in consuming this weighty tome, I invite you to join me in a most erudite book club, which will convene in one month time on the goldfields of Hokitika-- South Island, of course-- so mark your calendars, bibliophiles, and we will unravel the threads of this intricate and byzantine literary tapestry, together, despite the obtuse astrological symbolism and the antiquated prose and when we are finished, we will achieve enlightenment of some substantial kind and content, until then there will only be the sound of turning pages.


rob said...

as always, enjoyed the new augury. feel like there was an opportunity to invoke darren brown's wise 'ignore your problems until they go away, and if they don't go away they were too big for you to handle in the first place' postulate.

Whitney said...

I liked it. I enjoyed the old random Dave brain scatter to start the show more than most, I guess. The book stuff keeps it on literary point, but it's the application of the book's themes and subject matter to life -- especially Dave's weird life -- that keeps me coming back for more.

Whitney said...

And I espouse (and tout) that Darren philosophy all the time. A number of people in my town repeat it and credit it to me, but I always defer to DB.

Professor G. Truck said...

i should have mentioned darren! he's definitely a hole-up-and-hide person. i need to run my notes by you guys before I record . . .

A New Sentence Every Day, Hand Crafted from the Finest Corinthian Leather.