The Perfect Ending to this Piece of Shit Story

It's dark and cold and rainy and gray, but I still had to walk the dog-- so I put on my rain jacket and we took a stroll through the park and on the way home, I noticed a perfectly appropriate symbol for the moody, ominous weather: there was a dead squirrel in the road, right in front of my house . . . and so I embraced the spirit of this ugly day, went inside and found a plastic bag and put it over my hand, took our half-full garbage bag into the road, hefted the dead squirrel by the tail with my plastic-sheathed hand into the garbage bag, and tossed the bag into the trash bin . . . yuck.


zman said...

Now that squirrel will go to a landfill where it will decompose and emit methane and increase global warming. Nice job Dave. You should've buried it or thrown it in the woods so it would biodegrade naturally.

Professor G. Truck said...

good point-- am i allowed to do that in the park?

Whitney said...

Excellent Eternal Sunshine reference!

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