Dave Learns Some Shit on a Penultimate Friday in December

Here's some shit I learned today:

1. you're not going to get much done with a regular-level senior English class on the penultimate Friday before Winter Break . . . and the stupid 82-minute block period exacerbates this . . . I might have been able to maintain my patented veteran-teacher level of anger/motivation/self-deprecating humor/patience/flexibility/resilience/persistence/sardonic mockery/wittiness/intelligence for 42 minutes but there's no way to keep that shit up for 82 minutes;

2. both my wife and my older son Alex have a Pinterest page?

3. very few people know how and why the Northern Lights occur;

4. I really hate it when teachers stop in the hallways-- and they tend to be female teachers-- and complain about how overwhelming and tough the holidays are . . . because from an outside perspective, it sounds like they're complaining about how grueling it is to buy things and cook things and eat things-- but I keep my thoughts to myself (and my students, who are a captive audience and therefore must listen to my rants about the rampant materialism, environmental devastation, and unnecessary stress and traffic of the holidays . . . and complaining about this stuff is the only thing that alleviates the weird stomach-ache I have until Xmas is over and done with and we can go back to appreciating political stability and hot water and heat and basic miraculous conveniences)

5. if you do a bunch of one-legged squatting exercises from random YouTube videos, you're going to be sore for a couple of days.


rob said...

we're knocking on wood when we type things about political stability, yes?

Professor G. Truck said...

compared to a lot of the world, we're solid as bedrock . . .

A New Sentence Every Day, Hand Crafted from the Finest Corinthian Leather.