Like Freddy Krueger, I Appear in Your Dreams

One of my fellow teachers was dreaming last night about how it wasn't a good idea to let me have a bit part on her imaginary talk show-- according to her boyfriend, she sleep-said, "Letting Dave on . . . not a good idea . . . he'll end up being the star . . ."


zman said...

First a semi-colon, then a double en-dash; I'm not getting my money's worth with this single-sentence blog.

Dave said...

I'll try for something more along the lines of "Call me Dave."

rob said...

capitalization sellout

celine said...

She told me it was more like...
"Dave has a blog where he says he will post his own sentences, but he is always quoting someone else's sentence. Let's kill him."

A New Sentence Every Day, Hand Crafted from the Finest Corinthian Leather.