Dave is Still Standing (unlike his wife)

What a week . . . I had to make numerous parent phone calls to discuss AI issues in student work-- and this got in the way of my planning for my four preps and grading the vast amount of writing that needed to be graded, so I pretty much lost my mind and freaked out quite a bit . . . one of the downsides to knowing your work colleagues so well is that you're not afraid to melt down in front of them . . . I probably need to start working at a place where I am only professionally acquainted with my co-workers because I'm way too familiar with the folks at my current job . . . which I guess often happens to veteran teachers-- I also accompanied Ian to meet the orthopedic surgeon to discuss options and schedule his ankle/foot surgery to fix his tendon and the fact that his foot bone is 40% out of the socket-- and we met with the same surgeon who was soon to operate on my wife's foot so then I had to endure the stress and anxiety of knowing that my wife was going under the knife for Morton's neuroma . . . and now she's laid up for a couple weeks until her foot heals so it's up to Ian and me to do the cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping, and general household chores-- but who is going to shave my back hair, which is getting out of control? and then-- hopefully-- my wife's foot will heal and we'll repeat the same ordeal at the end of March with Ian . . . what a week and what a year, already-- and I have made a wise concession to ensure that I can offer aid when necessary: I'm not playing any impact sports than could possibly reinjure my calf (which is feeling great!) until my wife is on her feet again, because if I go down from playing indoor soccer or basketball or pickleball, then we'll really be fucked . . . or maybe not . . . maybe we'll just wallow in our own filth and order lots of take-out, which could be fun.


rob said...

post-apocalyptic scholars will use this sentence as conclusive evidence that pickleball was a contact sport, which will lead to a wild linguistically-influenced error their thesis about our fucked era

Whitney said...

You guys both insist that we are or will be fucked these days… this is nothing compared to the hellscape that commences about 100 years from now. These are the salad days, as they say. Soak them in. Breathe them in. Enjoy the hell out of them. Pat Benatar said hell is for children. I say it’s for my great-grandchildren.

rob said...

have you *not* seen bill and ted's excellent adventure? the future is bliss, man.

A New Sentence Every Day, Hand Crafted from the Finest Corinthian Leather.