Ups and Downs

Weird day yesterday, hard to characterize . . . got to school, kind of tired from the snowboarding trip, and found a mysterious envelope in my box; I opened it and found a book called There Are No Accidents: The Deadly Rise of Injury and Disaster-- Who Profits and Who Pays the Price and the author was one of my old students-- Jessie Singer-- and she wrote me a lovely note inside that said:

I have no doubt that without your encouragement and support, I would not be a writer today.

Thank you for being the spark, for helping me see myself, and for convincing me I had this in me.

With Forever gratitude--

Jessie Singer

and I would have taken a picture of the note but I threw my phone in the wash and it's dead, so I need to get a replacement phone ASAP . . . I also went to the wrong duty yesterday at school-- I forgot that it was an A day and went to cafeteria duty and wondered where all the regular folk were-- but Stacey texted me and told me I was in the wrong spot . . . and then Alex and I went to the gym and did some backwards walking and pulling for our knees-- Stacey has also embraced the kneesovertoes guy and she even bought a cheap treadmill to walk backwards on (and his book!) so there will be more of that in the near future . . . anyway, I need to research a new phone and figure out how to survive this week, I'm sure it will be an adventure.


Whitney said...

That’s really awesome, dude. Great stuff.

rob said...

indeed. that's really, really cool.

Marls said...

Congrats Dave. That is really good stuff

Professor G. Truck said...

thanks . . . but obviously the phone in the washer evened things out . . .

A New Sentence Every Day, Hand Crafted from the Finest Corinthian Leather.