No Cake For Me

There was chocolate cake in the fridge last night and I thought about eating it, but-- get this-- I did not eat it . . . amazing, but true-- instead of eating cake I took three ibuprofen and went to bed at 8:30 because my back hurt because I'm trying to learn this soccer juggling trick called "Around the World" which involves this really violent leg motion after you flip the ball in the air-- you have to whip your foot all the way around the ball and then flip it back up, and although I'm getting closer to achieving this, I may have to quit trying to avoid serious injury.


Anonymous said...

Because most thirty-eight-year-old men need to learn this trick in order to prove they are not going through a mid-life crisis.

Anonymous said...

"I may have to quit trying to avoid serious injury."

You MUST quit trying to avoid serious injury! It gets in the way of all your fun.

Dave said...

nothing is more fun than being seriously injured-- you get to sit on your ass all day, get food served to you, have an excuse to drink excessive amounts of alcohol, and-- best of -- you get to tell the story of how you seriously injured yourself.

celine said...

what stacey pants meant was, it gets in the way of all of her fun.

stop doing the trick and take up rollerblading - everyone is doing it.

Dave said...

i rollerblade! (i just don't admit it to anyone.)

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