I Go Out On A Limb . . . A Nerdy Limb

I know it's controversial, but I told my students anyway because I'm that kind of guy-- if I have an opinion, I speak it and let the chips fall where they may: my definition of science fiction is when the setting-- whether it's based on technology, set in the future, or simply a logical alternative to our own history-- is the main character of the novel or movie-- so that excludes and Star Wars and Godzilla, but does include Soylent Green and The Matrix.


Anonymous said...

Yet another lump of pedantic coal.

Al DePantsdowno said...

If you're using the word controversial to mean stupid, then I agree.

Dave said...

i'll admit it-- this was not my best work.

...K... said...

did you tell them what soylent green actually is? muahaha.

A New Sentence Every Day, Hand Crafted from the Finest Corinthian Leather.