You Might Want to Refinish the Basement of Your Nest

The subtext of this episode of The Daily: How the Cost of Housing Became So Crushing is this: your children are never moving out . . . you might even think you're an empty nester-- because your kids have flown away to college-- but once they graduate, they're probably going to squeeze back into the nest because housing costs are so exorbitant and there's not enough low-cost housing (and they're not cute little fledglings anymore, they're gawky full-sized birds).


Marls said...

You can always sell your house and get a 1 bedroom.

rob said...

come live with us. s insists we don't sell the house so the kids'll have a nest to fly back to. joke's on her when i tell her you and cat are moving in.

Professor G. Truck said...

joke will be on your kids! or will they move into my house with my kids?

Professor G. Truck said...

and marls suggests the "homeless children" route.

Marls said...

Ummm, I believe the currently acceptable term is “unhoused” not “homeless”.

Professor G. Truck said...

next time you're around, i'll unhouse something

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