Magic? How About Unremarkable

The nice lady who makes the end-of-the-day school announcements on the intercom keeps encouraging us to have a "magical afternoon"-- but that's an awful lot of pressure . . . if I could use teleportation to transport the pile of branches from my front yard into the park dumpster and have a homunculus call the vet and cancel an appointment and employ Thing (that disembodied hand on the Addams Family) to fill out some 403B forms, I certainly would, but let's face it: I have a minimal understanding of magic (I can do one card trick) and I'm just trying to survive without mishap, so I'm going to shoot for a semi-productive afternoon (with a short nap).


Whitney said...

It’s interesting to learn what people would do first if they had access to teleportation.

zman said...

I got the magic stick.

Professor G. Truck said...

probably a poor use of teleportation (but it beats what i did-- i put a tarp in my newish car and loaded them in by hand and then surreptitiously dumped them in the park dumpster)

A New Sentence Every Day, Hand Crafted from the Finest Corinthian Leather.