And Dave Has Come to the End of the Line (Full Circle)

A sophomore girl stayed after class for a moment today and asked me if I remembered a student named "Sandy Michael" and I said that the name rang a bell but I recall the face and she said, "That's my mom, you taught her in Creative Writing" and then bells started chiming, confetti fell from the ceiling, and the cheerleading team cartwheeled into my classroom, presented me with a trophy and told me, in song, that I could retire ASAP . . . and then my brief reverie ended and the daughter of the student that I taught in the late 1990s told me her mom would catch up with me later in the week, at Back-to-School-Night.


rob said...

i muchly enjoy this sentence

Whitney said...

As do I. Wear it as a badge of honor, Dave.

Whitney said...

The end of the Circle Line

Marls said...

Professor G. Truck said...

i definitely felt a disturbance in teh force when she said it, but i guess if you last long enough, it's inevitable

A New Sentence Every Day, Hand Crafted from the Finest Corinthian Leather.