If you're walking the dog in the cold-- with lightweight cotton gloves on-- and your phone alarm goes off, if you press the "STOP" button while wearing your gloves the phone won't recognize your fingertip . . . and, as I found out this morning, the phone also won't acknowledge the tip of your nose-- and I must have looked pretty stupid, repeatedly bonking my phone into my nose, trying to press that button-- before I finally took my damn glove off and silenced the stupid thing (maybe Apple phones recognize nose tips?)
Maybe you had too much sweat, snot, grease, hair, etc. on the tip of your nose?
dear lord i hope someone was watching this and filmed it and we'll see it become a meme.
Z - are you saying that Androids are biased against Italians?
i think that's a flaming lips song
You won't let those robots defeat me.
Domo arigato, Mr. Pellicano
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