Speak of the Lanternfly

Today, while I was walking with my wife across the Albany Street Bridge (from Highland Park to New Brunswick) I said, "Well, it's September and it looks like we're not going to have any lanternflies around here this year" and just as I finished speaking, a large insect flew into my shoulder, kamikaze-style, and-- of course-- it was a lanternfly . . . but was this a coincidence . . . or are the bugs not only starting to understand English but also irony?


rob said...

i'm torn on the lantern flies. yes, destructive and all that. but they're beautiful. i need some ethical consultation from miss education.

Professor G. Truck said...

she hates them with an unbridled passion that's a bit frightening (she's also scared of them . . . and butterflies, it's thing)

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