It's Not the Heat, Nor Is It the Humidity, It's the Air-Conditioning!

East Brunswick is existing in some weird circle of hell right now-- the temperatures and humidity are through the roof and there's weird traffic everywhere-- Route 18 and Milltown Road are both shut down-- but I can't complain because-- unlike my wife-- my classroom has an A/C unit (albeit small and underpowered) and because the rest of the high school is not consistently air-conditioned, we are doing half days for students today, Thursday, and Friday . . . my wife, on the other hand, is teaching a full day in her elementary school in Edison, with no respite from the heat . . . when she gets home today, she is NOT going to be happy.


Whitney said...

She’s coming home to you and no kids. How happy was she really going to be?

Professor G. Truck said...

you're forgetting about the dog . . .

A New Sentence Every Day, Hand Crafted from the Finest Corinthian Leather.