Fun Things to Say When You're Old

I was walking with Stacey and she needed to stop at the vice-principal's office to turn in a packet of papers-- and it turned out I needed to hand in this packet of papers as well (rosters and emergency sub plans) but I didn't know this stuff was due and the venerable secretary, Paulette, who I've known forever-- said, "Dave it was in the email Andy sent" and I said, "Oh . . . I'm not on that email thing" and she nearly shit herself-- she was like: "DAVE! You've got to get email!" and then I told her I was kidding and reassured her that I had access to my school email account . . . but she was fully ready to believe that I had taught the last twenty-years without checking my email.


Whitney said...

Poor venerable Paulette, who finally makes it into an SoD entry, only to have an episode recounted in which “she nearly shit herself.”

Professor G. Truck said...

i'll have to balance it out with another "palette moment" soon . . .

A New Sentence Every Day, Hand Crafted from the Finest Corinthian Leather.