Early Morning Date with a Dead Dog

You never know where the adventure of parenthood is going to take you . . . this morning I woke up my son Ian at 5:45 AM and we drove over to Carolyn's house-- Ian does odd jobs, outdoor work, and dog sitting for her-- and Carolyn's dogs are old, one is deaf and blind and the other had severe problems with his back legs and needed to be put down yesterday . . . poor Huckleberry . . . anyway, the vet came to her house and put the dog down last night and Carolyn needed a couple of people to carry the dog to her car this morning so she could drive the dog to the crematorium . . . so Ian and I started our day by lugging a seventy-pound carcass out of Carolyn's living room and wresting it into the back of her Subaru and then Ian went back to bed and I got ready for work . . . dogs-- they just don't live long enough.


rob said...

1) that's a great title for a short story
2) why couldn't she take the dog to the vet to have it put down? that seems easier on everyone.

Professor G. Truck said...

i don't know . . . she wanted it done at the house? i didn't inquire very much-- ian just asked me if i could help and i was like "sure."

zman said...

You went on a date with a dead dog?

Professor G. Truck said...

and my son, weird right?

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