Charismatic Megafauna!


New episode of "We Defy Augury" is up . . . thoughts loosely inspired by Steve Brusatte's book The Rise and Reign of the Mammals" but plenty of tangents, asides, cameos, and even a musical monologue.

1 comment:

zman said...

This is a tour de goddamned force, I assume you drank a bunch of ayahuasca beforehand. Your rant from 13:00 to about 16:00 is the best three minutes you've recorded since "Dirty Girls." I can't believe that (1) you did an episode about natural history and didn't invite me, and (2) you talked about Ceausescu's brown bear hunting grounds but didn't mention "Monster of God." Listening to an English teacher marvel at how volume-to-surface area ratios scale was amazing. Go explain that to your colleague who teaches AP Biology. The last three minutes were also fantastic. Lots of aliens in this episode.

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