Some Hard Things Are Harder Than Other Hard Things

I often see people running on concrete and I want to yell to them: "Don't run on concrete! It's much harder than asphalt!"

While I've never actually yelled this out my car window, I'm factually in the right. Concrete is definitely exponentially harder than asphalt.

But it may not matter. Running shoes and other factors may make the difference negligible. So while I'm going to continue to run on grass or asphalt, I'm not going to chastise anyone for running on concrete (until I finish my advanced materials physics degree).



zman said...

I love the new “Non Sequitor of Dave” format. You should try running in Adidas boost sneakers. They’re so cushioned and springy it’s almost cheating.

Dave said...

i'm in the market for new sneakers and we just made bank on town-wide garage sale day, so maybe i'll get a pair.

A New Sentence Every Day, Hand Crafted from the Finest Corinthian Leather.