Our Dog is Not a Lion Killer

When we went to the shelter to adopt our dog Lola, the caretaker claimed she was a Rhodesian Ridgeback mix . . . and this sounded awesome to me, as they are athletic dogs that were used to track lions-- but now that I've seen a few real Rhodesian Ridgebacks (and had a Ridgeback owner tell me that Lola is "zero percent" Rhodesian) and studied photos of other dogs, I'm fairly certainly that she's a Pit Bull Lab mix-- which is a good thing to be-- and she might even have a bit of Mexican Street Dog in her (a very very coveted and prestigious breed of dog).


zman said...

I thought my cat was the most wonderful unique cat in the history of Felis catus for years until I brought her in for a rabies shot and the vet tech said "oh I love dilute torties" and when I got home and google image searched "dilute tortie" I found millions of pictures of cats that look just like mine.

Dave said...

it's like when kramer learned that he was a "hipster doofus."

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