Bad news: I'm wrapping it up, I'm packing it in . . . I've got no more to say-- I've run out of ideas and my life isn't interesting or significant enough to continue this blog . . . plus, I've had an epiphany, writing these sentences is self-indulgent and selfish, I should spend more time with my family, or better yet, doing charitable deeds . . . I just can't justify it any longer, and then there's the run-ons, the grammar errors, the lack of punctuation and proof-reading and the images that barely connect to the sentence: so I'd like to thank you all for reading and commenting (although part of me thinks this is all your fault) and I am now on to bigger and better things, spiritual transcendence, perhaps, or just greater humility about my place in the universe.
The Required Amount at the Prescribed Rate (Handcrafted From the Finest Corinthian Leather)
Bad news: I'm wrapping it up, I'm packing it in . . . I've got no more to say-- I've run out of ideas and my life isn't interesting or significant enough to continue this blog . . . plus, I've had an epiphany, writing these sentences is self-indulgent and selfish, I should spend more time with my family, or better yet, doing charitable deeds . . . I just can't justify it any longer, and then there's the run-ons, the grammar errors, the lack of punctuation and proof-reading and the images that barely connect to the sentence: so I'd like to thank you all for reading and commenting (although part of me thinks this is all your fault) and I am now on to bigger and better things, spiritual transcendence, perhaps, or just greater humility about my place in the universe.
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A New Sentence Every Day, Hand Crafted from the Finest Corinthian Leather.
Just kidding, I'm way to egotistical to stop writing about my incredibly significant life and times, although I may really be running out of idea, judging by last year's post on April 1.
You even commented on your own april fools joke in last years post as well:
"April Fools! Actually, my blog is brilliant and perhaps the most significant thing you'll read on the Internet. Also, I don't care about litter or needy children!"
You really are running out of ideas!
I am reminded how much popular philosophy changes, how the world fully believed that the earth was the cosmic center of the universe -- geocentrism -- until the 16th century, when Copernicus developed heliocentric theory, putting the sun at the focal point, and before long it became just as widely accepted that it all revolves around the sun, and that went on for 500 years until one New Jersey asshole tried in vain for his whole life to convince people that the world actually revolves around him (Daveocentrism).
...but I have to say I enjoyed "way to egotistical" after reading "and then there's... the grammatical errors." Nice work.
I don't care if Dave repeats his April fools joke every year and I encourage him to do so;moreover,I can't wait until the year he actually means it and stops writing sentences, and we are sitting around staring at a blank screen on April 2, 2055 scratching our heads having just fallen for the greatest April fools of all time that was 48years in the making.
eric, you have discovered my plan, but you'll never remember it in 2055-- and then the joke will be on you.
Is this irony?
Knew it couldn't be true!
i'm going with the "i used the wrong 'to' on purpose" line, that's really my only choice.
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