Sick is No Way to Drive

If you need a doctor on a Saturday, you're better off living in a third world country; I went to PromptCare on Easton Avenue, and I am amazed at the audacity of their name (they should go with something a little less ambitious, like JustBeforeYouExpireCare): two hours later I was diagnosed with acute tonsillitis (the doctor was really impressed by how swollen my tonsils were) and then, in my feverish delirium, I hopped into my car, excited to go home and finally get some sleep-- I was up all night because my throat closed up-- and I promptly rear-ended the woman in front of me, denting her trunk and screwing up my fender, so then I had to wait for the police but I was so sick that it was like being in a dream-- and I couldn't even get that angry at myself for my stupidity (although the lady in front of me did stop very short, she did one of those false starts into traffic, where you accelerate a bit and then decide you can't merge and stop suddenly).


Al DePantsdowno said...

Next time, just call Michelle. She'll even make a house call. Just make sure you have a few beers available for her driver. I mean her assistant.

Whitney said...

If you put quotes around any of the phrases in "rear-ended the woman in front of me, bonking her trunk in and screwing up my fender", it's very dirty.

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