Roslin > Palin

I was going to continue in the political vein with a sentence about the Sarah Palin/Laura Roslin Battlestar Galactica analogy-- Palin does look like Roslin (and Tight looks like McCain) has  but the analogy is so obvious-- and also very flawed, Palin is way dumber and way more conservative than Roslin-- so instead I'm going to remind you that it's really hard to coach a soccer game in a civil manner when you're ahead 4-0 in the first half (but I'll still provide a photo of Tricia Helfer).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love how Dave tried to post a sexy picture of Trisha, but was dupped by the sci-fi nerds into posting a promoticon on his blog.

A New Sentence Every Day, Hand Crafted from the Finest Corinthian Leather.