It Can Always Be Worse

It's Monday morning-- the first full week of work-- and the weekend flew by so fast that I barely remember it, plus I'm coughing up yellow phlegm and about to lose my voice (and I'll certainly lose it at try-outs this afternoon) and this is most likely because of the mold that's been growing in the humid jungle we call our classrooms, but I know I shouldn't complain, as there are worse things: for example, a case of hemorrhoids growing on my tongue.


Anonymous said...

This is some really rough stuff, sounds like you're missing our class enough to get the physical complications of severe withdrawal.

I understand, it's unlikely the new students will even begin to fill that hole in your heart.

Dave said...

it's true-- although they are very nice-- too nice, in fact, i did the fake walk out thing with "shooting an elephant" and only one class wanted to punish! (although that class was great-- they wanted me to include the words "desertion" and "mutiny" in my write-up, and one girl had her EB handbook out and looked up the repercussions for cutting.

A New Sentence Every Day, Hand Crafted from the Finest Corinthian Leather.