Worst Bar on the Frontier

I find it odd that they serve alcohol on the airplane-- or at least in the Economy section of the airplane-- and I also find it odd that people in the Economy section drink alcohol during the flight, and this seems to be an even worse decision in the Economy section of Frontier airlines, where the seats do NOT recline and the legroom is several inches shorter than any other airline-- alcohol is a beverage that makes me want to pee, fight, dance, play the guitar, go walkabout, participate in games of skill and dexterity, and swim in any available body of water and none of these options are available in the Economy section (I assume some of these options are available in First Class, but I owuldn't know for sure) and so it astounds me when people order a drink on the plane, especially at 7:15 AM . . . but whatever, to each his own, maybe if I had a few drinks I would have been able to sleep in an upright position while listening to a combination of a high-pitched engine whine (which penetrated my earbuds) and the reissue of Sunlandic Twins, instead of walking off the flight with a massive headache.

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