Someone Save Me From Daylight Savings Time

Rough Monday morning: our dog heard a smoke detector chirping in the kitchen at 4 AM-- the battery had run out and it was making that little distress signal, and while it was responsible and conscientious canine behavior, it was still hard to get back to sleep once the issue had been resolved-- and then when my alarm DID go off, it felt way too early-- because it WAS way too early . . . due to motherfucking Daylight Savings Time-- and then I stuck my toe in some dog vomit on the edge of the step . . . Lola ate too many cucumber slices last night (she loves cucumber slices) and must have upchucked them when she was fretting about the chirping noise and then I went through the day like a zombie and to add insult to injury, we had a meeting.


zman said...

It was very challenging to roust zdaughter from bed this morning and she was very upset about DST, repeatedly whining "Why can't the farmers just get up earlier? Why do they have to make everyone else get up early too?"

zman said...

The saga continued today. zdaughter is normally chipper in the morning but all she would say today was "I don't want to go to school." That was her response to "Would you like some yogurt?" and "Go brush your teeth." and "What would you like for lunch?"

Professor G. Truck said...

did you tell her the farmer thing is a myth? foisted on us by the government!

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