Francis Ellis and Lil Sasquatch at the Stress Factory

Great show at the Stress Factory last night-- as always-- and we had no clue what to expect from the comics because Stacey unloaded the tickets on us and went to Seaside for a St. Patrick's Day Parade; after a forgettable opener (I even forgot his name) then Lil Sasquatch took the stage and did a great bit about being an oddly sexual suit-fitting session by a little European man that could fit in his pocket and another about dolphin rape and then he critiqued the "Stop Human Trafficking" sign he saw at the airport, he felt he needed more methodology and advice on exactly how to follow those orders, and then the opener, Francis Ellis, who seemed to good-looking and too smart to be a stand-up-comedian-- he attended Harvard-- talked his membership in the exclusive Delta Diamond Medallion Club and about terrorists having trouble collecting points for their one way flights and about his first (and only?) fight which happened to be with a guy who had a mouthguard and absolutely lived for that kind of shit; then he criticized people who abuse the "Sophie's choice" metaphor and use it for frivolous circumstances and then he discussed how he liked kids "just the right amount" and how he was recently divorced and so he bought a Costco 144 pack of toothbrushes for any ladies that slept over-- but this made him look like a serial killer and then he talked about trying to impress the workmen on his block, the real men, but how it was hard to do while walking a French bulldog and then he really got into it with the aduience-- he wanted to know if anyone had a union job and he had a discussion with a guy who worked for Dupont, making printing plates and using monomers and polymers and then he asked if there were more union workers in the crowd and my wife yelled out and so he got to discuss teachers and the teacher's union and how he loved teachers but wow they get a lot of time off and then he gathered some more audience material from a couple of guys who lost chain necklaces (and when he was "ambushed" by a high school sophomore) and he wrapped all this up on his keyboard (which we did not know was on the stage or a part of the exact) when he first sang a romantic song about jizz and then sang a song that included all the audience participation specifics-- gold chains and teachers, and polymers, and all the other odd stuff he pulled from the audience that I can't remember-- so if Francis Ellis is coming to a small comedy club in your town, check him out, he's a fun, smart, and energetic entertainer.

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