The Animals Are Wild

Another crisp wildlife photo from yours truly (and possible good news on the alleged raccoon in the attic front . . . yesterday, I climbed into the attic crawl space-- which is not a fun thing to do, as it's filled with loose insulation-- and I saw that the wire guard around the roof vent had been dislodged and pushed in, forming an entry hole-- so Ian and I pushed the wire mesh back in place and reinforced the wire guard around the roof vent with some staples and then last night, I heard some critter on the roof-- trying to get in, scratching at the wire guard-- but I didn't hear any mewling of babies or any critters inside the attic-- so maybe the creatures-- which I believe are raccoons-- will give up and move on to some other poor soul's house and make a nest in their attic).



Whitney said...

Or... OR... you separated the babies from their mama via impenetrable wire mesh, and she cannot feed them and the reason you don't hear them in the attic is that you starved the baby raccoons to death, and the mother raccoon is now insanely enraged the way only an animal mother is, and in her crazy frenzied maternal raccoon rage she somehow manages to tumble into some New Jersey toxic waste, and the basis for a new Troma movie comes from her hellbent, systematic revenge on Dave and his family... Toxic Avenger VI: Toxie and the Bandit. Soundtrack by Random Idiots with another distorted cover song, this time the Beatles: "Toxie Raccoon."

Coming soon...

Professor G. Truck said...

the babies wouldn't starve to death that quickly-- we could hear them last time-- plus, I saw that pair of raccoons roaming around, living it up, so I don't think the mom had babies yet . . . but we shall see-- I know you're rooting for your option.

Whitney said...

I’m glad that was the part of the idea you found fault with.

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