How to (Rarely) Tie a Tie

 For the rest of my life, I am only getting dressed up if someone I know gets married or dies.


Whitney said...

How dressed up is dressed up? For mine (Either one), it’s a little more dressed up than you would normally be but no necktie or anything like that.

Whitney said...

Maybe more dressed up than this

zman said...

I think Dave should attend all future weddings and funerals completely undressed.

Marls said...

Dave - how often do you actually get dressed up? I’m trying to figure out how much the burden of showing respect to a situation/person you are seeking to avoid?

While sweatpants may be acceptable for Rutgers graduation, I think Muhlenburg may frown on that.

Whitney said...

Where is Dave?

Professor G. Truck said...

sorry, i'm working on my top-secret project-- it's fun but grueling. i NEVER get dressed up, so it is a major honor if i wear a tie.

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