Dave Learns Two Things (That He Already Knew . . . Sort Of)

This morning I learned that I really like Billy Cobham-- I like his drumming and his original stuff and his work with Miles Davis and his work with the Mahavishnu Orchestra . . . I just didn't know the name "Billy Cobham"-- I "liked" a bunch of his songs on Spotify without ever knowing the percussionist behind the music . . . the other thing I learned TWICE this week (and I'm sure I knew this previously) is that if you don't rake the leaves in your backyard, you are going to step in dogshit . . . because fallen leaves are often the color of dogshit and fallen leaves obscure dogshit.


zman said...

Or you could just timely pick up after your dog.

Professor G. Truck said...

that what's i do! every day! i never let her go in the yard. it must have happened when i wasn't home-- and the rest of my family . . . don't even get me started.

Marls said...

The rest of your family shits in the yard too?

Dave said...

i am laughing too hard to comment

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