That's What She Shed

My shed now has doors-- which were a pain in the ass to hang-- a clasp, some custom-built shelves (I didn't screw up the measuring, not even once!) and a roof . . . all it needs are shingles-- and there were some roofers next door today but I didn't ask them to do it so it looks like I'll be shingling tomorrow-- and some shed-hooks (which are coming from Amazon)

so now I can start putting things in the shed instead of just building it . . .

and the shelves were easier to build than the shed-- used YouTube and found a great method . . .

and all my shed shit is totally safe because there's a little turning-lock-tab on the door.


zman said...

I continue to be sincerely impressed with your shed-assembling skills. It looks great and it sounds like no one was injured in the process. Did Cat build it for you?

Dave said...

cat painted-- but i am building this motherfucker.

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