This New Shed

For your reading pleasure, here is the (mostly) complete saga of the shed . . . I'm sure there will be a couple more posts about organization and caulking, but for the most part, this motherfucker is shingled and done:

1) nearly a month ago, I cleaned out my old plastic disaster of a shed;

2) a week later, I knocked down the old shed and began constructing a proper foundation for a new shed;

3) two weeks ago, I swore I was going to hire someone to build the shed kit I ordered from Lowes-- I built the foundation and the floor but there was no way I could manage the rest-- especially since I wanted it built in a corner;

4) twelve days ago I read the instructions on how to build the shed and did not understand them;

5) eleven days ago, I carried all the lumber and shed parts into the backyard, took a serious look at them, and then went and played some tennis;

6) ten days ago, I got motivated, impressed my wife into service, and started building;

7) throughout this courtship with my shed, I occasionally texted Mike the shed builder-- but he was moderately busy and I didn't really pursue him or any other shed-building contacts to the fullest;

8) I took a (much deserved) shed break;

9) the past week, I really buckled down and worked my ass off;

10) today was the hardest day of all-- I had to finish shingling the roof and-- as I've mentioned, I built this shed in a corner (which is totally illegal-- this is a rogue shed) with very little space between the shed and the two fences . . . so I had to put the step-ladder in my neighbor's yard to get at some portions of the roof and then I had to climb up and perch on the peak for much of the shingling-- it was hot and the giant bees were my only company-- but I muscled through and now my shed is shingled . . . I have to trim out the window and hang some hooks and organize the crap and put it back inside the new shed (and, if I follow my friend Alec's advice, I need to add a weathervane) but it seems the saga of the shed is coming to an inspirational conclusion . . . if I can build a shed, so can you!

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