To Veal or Not to Veal?

During a recording session, Cunningham, Stacey and I all proudly virtue signaled the fact that we don't eat veal . . . but perhaps this isn't as benevolent as it seems; in fact, we might be all the more monstrous because while we don't eat baby cows, we're not vegetarians-- all three of us eat beef-- before we eat a cow, it lives for a longer period of time-- probably suffering in terrible conditions-- and also, due to the longer life and larger size, this cow has time to release many more clouds of methane-laced flatulence into the atmosphere . . . so maybe if we're going to eat cows, we should eat veal and kill them while they are young, small, and haven't farted all that much.


Whitney said...

Do you let lobsters grow to those massive sizes or eat them when they are 1.5 lbs and suculent?

Dave said...

i actually like them when they're bigger-- and since they're living in their natural habitat, it's probably nicer to let them live longer, enjoying the open briny sea.

LL said...

I think most people eat the size of lobster that they can afford.

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