Teacher Appreciation Week Belated Bonus

I was driving on Hart's Lane, en route to the gym from my high school, and the light turned yellow at that awkward moment when your only options are to either come to a screeching halt or blow through the intersection, though the light is going to turn red-- and although I saw a cop car waiting at the right-hand junction, I decided to blow through the light anyway (what was I thinking?) and sure enough, when the light changed, the cop pulled me over but when he walked over and saw me (and I was wearing my school ID but I think he just recognized my face) he said, "Oh sorry, I played soccer, graduated in 2020-- I remember you-- I just pulled you over because of the light" and I tried to apologize but he didn't even want to hear it, he just said, "Take it easy, have a great day" and so all the schedule changes this week, the short lunch, the fights, the new classes, all that crap-- this made it worth it.


rob said...

so if you coach a kid you get carte blanche to violate the rules of society in their presence. that's a pretty sweet deal.

zman said...

This sentence would be much more entertaining if the cop said "I remember you--and you're a pain in the ass!!" or even better, "I remember you--you made my wife cry in 11th grade!!" and then he pulled you out of your car and slapped you around and maced you and when you fell to the ground he pried off one of your Vibram Five Fingers and beat you with it, then he wrote you a ticket for running a red light and left.

Dave said...

true-- and the crazy thing is, it might have been this kid-- who rightfully should have done those things to me . . .


Whitney said...

You pretty much outed the cop for not enforcing the law due to personal preferences, giving away his location and the time of day. Nice.

A New Sentence Every Day, Hand Crafted from the Finest Corinthian Leather.