Nietzsche's Eternal Recleaning

You do the dishes-- load the dishwasher, run it, wash the cutting boards, scrub the pots and pans but then-- magically and moments later-- the sink is full of dishes again.


zman said...

Do you cook in my kitchen too? The problem here is zwoman likes to wait until the sink is full before she bothers loading the dishwasher. I, by contrast, prefer an empty sink so I'm always doing the dishes (and swearing under my breath about it). Interestingly, zwoman has an "inbox zero" approach to email while I leave all the flotsam and jetsam in there.

zman said...

And aren't you a soaker? I don't mean soaking in the LDS sense, I mean you like to let dirty dishes soak before you wash them.

Professor G. Truck said...

i'm a soaker-- and cat is not. also, I don't like to put weird-shaped things or glasses or knives in the sink, I like to leave them on the counter. i only like to put things in the sink that need some soaking-- plates and pots and pans and spoons with peanut-butter on them.

i never read email or clean it out and I don't care about an empty sink-- I'll do 2/3 of the pots in the sink and leave a few, which drives cat nuts. i am also a "run the dishwasher" guy-- I don't need to wedge everything in there-- when I'm sick of doing dishes, I just run it and figure the rest out later.

A New Sentence Every Day, Hand Crafted from the Finest Corinthian Leather.