The Bell Tolls for Show and Tell

I'm doing something new in Creative Writing class-- I used to begin class with "Show and Tell" . . . one or two kids would read a passage from their favorite book or they would play a little bit of a favorite song and explain why they liked it-- but many of these newfangled digital kids have trouble presenting things in a compelling fashion and because of the fragmented state of art and media, they also don't share much common culture, so there's not much statistical likelihood that what they present will resonate with the crowd-- so I ditched this routine and instead of this, we are beginning each class with a free-writing prompt; today's prompt was "describe yourself in the third person as if you were a character in a novel" and I always tackle the prompt too . . . moments after we began writing, I asked the class if they knew some synonyms for "really really good looking," which made a few students chuckle (of course, I'm sure there were a few who did not detect the irony and thought I was just a vain narcissist).


rob said...

he was swarthy and muscular, with a perpetual glint in his eye that you could read as lunacy or whimsy, depending on the circumstances. if you'd met him at a different time in his life, you'd choose the former.

Professor G. Truck said...

you calling me whimsical? them's fighting words . . .

rob said...

whimsical, sociopathic, tomato, tomato.

A New Sentence Every Day, Hand Crafted from the Finest Corinthian Leather.