Short and Old

The more my kids have grown, the more they've gotten into basketball-- and while they're not very good, they have long arms and can kind of play now, and when we play one-on-one, their arms are so long that I can't shoot over them unless I step back to Steph Curry range, so I have to bang forward and try for hook shots, which is exhausting and ugly . . . but I'm glad they're getting into hoops again so that they can play pick-up ball in college-- it took me four years of playing on the ugliest team in intramural basketball, the Nicks (named after Nick Huth) to achieve any kind of skill in the sport-- and now it's all downhill for me.


zman said...

Nick and I used to belong to the same swim club, and one night when we were over-served his middle kid (who was about 11 at the time) came over with one of his friends who looked like Chunk from Goonies. I was telling Nick something like "when I played for the Nicks" and Chunk interrupted to opine "You never played for the Knicks!" and I replied "No, not the Knicks with a K, the Nicks, they're a basketball team named after Mr. Huth!" And Nick's kid turned to Chunk and said "See, I told you there was a basketball team named after my dad!" and Chunk scrunched up and said "This is all bullshit" and waddled off.

Dave said...

that's amazing-- glad you could verify that fact for that kid.

Nicks forever

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