Suspicion Confirmed

As I was leaving the dog park this afternoon, I walked past three witches-- or at least I assumed they were spellcasters of some sort . . . they were wearing all black, had on Goth outfits, and they had the aura about them-- and one was carrying an odd black wooden box, and carrying it in a significant formal manner-- and since they were smiling at Lola (she has that effect on people, even witches) I asked what was in the box and the box-carrying witch replied, "ritual gear!"


zman said...

Were you expecting Gwyneth Paltrow's head?

Whitney said...

I give you credit for even talking to them. Gutsy.

Dave said...

when you're walking a cute dog, you can talk to anyone-- even witches.

Dave said...

i thought there might be some kind of gross animal inside-- a rat or a toad, but they said no, they would never close up an animal in the box.

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