An Old Dog Learns New Tricks

A week-and-a-half ago I turned 52 and I was ready to turn it in and retire . . . but apparently that's not in the cards yet as my stupid kids are just smart enough to go to college, so it looks like I've got to carry on and learn some new shit-- today I coached my first varsity practice; it went fairly well, with some help from my older son Alex (he is a captain along with his buddy Boyang) but I will say it's a bit different than soccer-- there's a lot of equipment: hoppers and balls and such-- and there's a lot going on, multiple courts, multiple drills, multiple skills . . . today we worked on our forehands and did some serving and then played a fun game called Swarm and finished with some fitness; I also learned that tossing a football with players is a great way to analyze their serving form (check out the video).


zman said...

I love this tip. I never heard it until about 2-3 years ago--your service motion is like you're throwing the racquet.

Dave said...

yeah-- it's pretty crazy to toss a football with high school tennis players-- they've got some terrible form and it often translates to their serve form.

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