Cold > Heat

We're having a heatwave here in Jersey, and while my wife had to work a full day in an elementary school with no A/C and no fans, I was able to teach virtually in the comfort of my home-- a pretty sweet decision by our admin-- but my son Alex was home and his class got canceled so we went out and played some basketball-- and it was very hot-- and then my son Ian-- who actually attends school-- came home and we went to the park and played some more basketball (and some seniors showed up and we played with them as well) and now I've ruined all my time spent in the A/C-- I'm overheated and miss the winter (and we are all VERY rusty at basketball, as we haven't played since last summer).


zman said...

Two sentences in one day? I didn't sign up for this much reading.

rob said...

the required amount at the prescribed rate, z. just like the moose up top said.

Dave said...

oops . . . i overworked myself!

A New Sentence Every Day, Hand Crafted from the Finest Corinthian Leather.