Coastal Elite Intellectual Liberal Xmas Snow Creatures

Highland Park is the most liberal town in Middlesex County-- and Middlesex County is a pretty liberal place in itself . . . so we're talking very liberal; Highland Park is walking distance to Rutgers College Avenue Campus, so we have a lot of professors living in town, including two on our block-- the lady across the street teaches computer science classes and she built a snow creature she calls Gnome Chomsky . . . which made me chuckle, and then we had a long discussion about linguistics, universal grammar, and radical politics . . . and then I complimented the snowman that the British mom (one of two moms) and her son were building down at the end of the block and she corrected me and said, "Snow-woman . . . we're making the Venus of Willendorf . . . see the big jugs?" and upon further inspection I did notice the big jugs, so we had a discussion about ancient fertility objects and I recommended the novel Deacon King Kong because the Venus of Willendorf plays a prominent role in my favorite novel of 2020 . . . and that's why we live in Highland Park.


zman said...

You live in HP because of the big snowy boobs?

Professor G. Truck said...


A New Sentence Every Day, Hand Crafted from the Finest Corinthian Leather.