Dreams Are Dumb?

I've always been a proponent of the Anti-Freudian "dreams are dumb and indicate nothing" school-of-thought (and may COVID-19 kill me dead if this blog becomes a dream journal) but I woke up at 2 AM this morning-- possibly because of an earthquake-- in the midst of a particularly vivid and possibly symbolic somnolent vision; here's what happened: 

I was trekking through the jungle at sunset and came to a spot where I could see through the dense foliage and I spotted a hippo in the tall grass, and the hippo's wet skin was reflecting beautiful streaks of red, purple, and orange from the waning daylight and then a jaguar walked out of the jungle and he hopped up on top of the hippo and just stood there, posing (and there was also a random llama in the background) and so I grabbed my phone and took a picture of a JAGUAR ON TOP OF A HIPPO (with a llama in the background) and all three animals were magnificent, iridescent from the setting sun in this wild tableau and then I raced back to camp to show Catherine the miracle I had witnessed and when I tried to find the pictures on my phone, they were gone-- total technical failure-- and it was my fault, I had pressed something and lost them all, the greatest nature photos ever snapped . . . and that's pretty much how school feels so far this year.


rob said...

this is a lot like the story where tara tried to take a picture of teejay with kevin durant and completely failed. almost exactly the same, in fact.

zman said...

At least you didn't leave the camera on top of the car.

Professor G. Truck said...

boom! full circle. should be the end of this sordid blog . . .

Whitney said...

Dave, not lying, I had a dream that involved you recently. It was vivid. I forgot to tell you until now.

You had a pet chimp. It wore shorts, possibly a diaper. You would walk around with the chimp on your shoulders and have him go ape (sorry) on passers-by and shriek at them and then you and the chimp would just laugh and laugh.

Well, then one time he didn't. Like he felt bad. And then he jumped down off your shoulders and ran away, across a field of wheat-like grasses into the woods. You sprinted after him like I've rarely seen you run before. You were worried.

Well, we caught up in the blink of an eye (my REM brain doesn't bother with filler scenes like running across a field in real time) and on the other side of the woods was a lion in a ditch. And the lion leapt up from the ditch and snatched the chimp in his jaws. Really horrible, like put half the chimp in his mouth and crushed him. We were all aghast -- I'm reasonably sure that I gasped in my sleep, and this time not from the sleep apnea. But you were really upset. And blamed yourself for having him do those mean stunts.

Seems like I made that up but I promise I did not.

But thanks for letting me use your Dream Journal.

Catpell said...

wow, me and the animals. nutty.

Dave said...

that error in identity is actually more fitting

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