Dave Does the Work of THREE Journalists

The New York Times just put out a fancy version of my post about the math behind opening schools during the pandemic.

Your welcome.

Even after stealing my idea, it still took the work of three professional journalists to write this article (they do have some fancy maps and graphs).

If you're an avid follower of SoD, then you got the scoop here first.

The Risk That Students Could Arrive at School With the Coronavirus

I'm assuming I'll get a thank you from James Glanz, Benedict Carey and Matthew Conlen any time now.

I'm also torn on what public policy should be in New Jersey right now.

Should we open up bars, restaurants, and gyms and see what happens? We can't open schools until we at least try these smaller venues.

Or should we lockdown again for two weeks-- really really lockdown-- then test as many people as we can, and THEN try to open schools? 

We either need to make opening schools a priority or give up on live schooling in the near future, but this middle ground isn't going to work.

New Jersey had 690 new cases today. 

So we kind of know exactly what is going to happen if we open up under these circumstances.

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