I Am Average!

The average American male's self-reported weight has increased from 180 pounds in 1990 to 196 pounds in 2012 . . . and I am wondering if I am the only person they used to complete this study . . . because that is a fairly accurate appraisal of my weight in 1990 and my weight in 2012 (I am usually a few pounds under 196, but after the holidays that's about right).


Clarence said...

1990: 195
2012: 265

2013: 235

Dave said...

you are above average! nice work.

considering your goal, i am assuming your new year's resolution is not going to be to eat more tacos . . .

rob said...

i weigh 10 pounds less now than i did in 1990. i am a remarkable physical specimen.

Danimal said...

that's at least 45 human pounds

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