The Sixth Sin is the Best Sin

Gluttonous incidents 327,967 and 327,968: this week on the way to school I ate BOTH cashew granola bars that were intended for lunch and snack (yes, I am a grown man who needs to bring a snack) thus leaving me with no recourse when faced with the giant chocolate cake in the English office, and since there were no plates, I worked my way around the outside of the cake, just eating the icing, which was coated with chocolate flakes . . . which leads me to wonder how skinny I would be if there wasn't always random food sitting around the office (and my house and my parent's house and the grocery store).


Esoderic said...

I would rather have a robust well-fed Dave any day as opposed to the thin and irritable Dave that didn't have his snacks

Dave said...

just had another gluttonous incident a few minutes ago-- i'm going to write it up . . .

c.marie said...

nothing better than an "aren't my fingers utensils?" office cake.

...K... said...

and i baked muffins for tomorrow...

kevy said...

i hate when people refer to a snack as "snack" - as in, "i brought a snickers for snack today."

it should be "a snack" - no? but everyone does it! i hate that.

A New Sentence Every Day, Hand Crafted from the Finest Corinthian Leather.