
I'm starting to worry that I'll write about the same thing I've written about in a previous sentence; I've produced more content than I can keep track of-- the theme and possibly even the words, structure and syntax are bound to repeat . . . but can you plagiarize yourself?


Anonymous said...

This joke would have been much weaker without the visual element.

...K... said...

Pellicane, D. "1/14/2008" http://sentenceofdave.blogspot.com Downloaded 15 January 2009.

Remember to use proper citations.

Dave said...

these sentences were a tribute to H.M. (he is the man in the picture and he died two weeks ago)

Whitney said...

H.M. died? I am going to cry.

(As a tribute to H.M., I cried two weeks ago when Dave told me and I cry every time he has told me since.)

A New Sentence Every Day, Hand Crafted from the Finest Corinthian Leather.