It's Best Not To Have Any Expectations

I was incredibly excited about the Giants/ Falcons game last weekend, because my parents were taking the boys for the afternoon, and it was a rainy day . . . so not only was I going to watch a 1 PM game in total peace, but I also wouldn't suffer the weird pangs of guilt that I always have if I sit inside and watch sports on a day when I should be outside doing sports . . . but, alas, the best laid plans: the Giants weren't in the game for a single play, and were demolished so severely (34-0) that I didn't receive one moment of pleasure from watching the game . . . but I recouped my losses by taking a nap.


Clarence said...

F the Giants.

Also, you should have one of your bonus sentences where you link to your work at GTB. It's more than worthy.

Dave said...

good idea!

A New Sentence Every Day, Hand Crafted from the Finest Corinthian Leather.