
I like to think that I try to do a small part for the environment: I've stopped drinking out of disposable plastic, I try to abstain from eating large mammals because of the waste they produce, and--when possible-- I walk instead of drive . . . and I try to convince my students that these small differences make a big difference when everyone changes their behavior, but occasionally I push my luck, as I did last week when I tried to convince my creative writing class--composed mainly of females-- that they should buy one dress that they can use for the prom, their wedding, and any other formal occasion-- and, to drive the point home, I may have even lied and told them that we made my wife's wedding dress into a set of napkins and a bedspread, but, though the idea was met with disgust and repulsion, perhaps it will germinate in their heads and one of them will start a revolution which will cripple the fashion industry but cut consumption of clothing exponentially (and at the very least, this creative writing class, which started out very shy and quiet, to the point that I wondered if they would ever talk, has now become vociferous, outspoken, and often verging on violence because they have bonded in order to attack a common enemy-- which is me).


Anonymous said...

I laughed out loud!! great sentence!

Whitney said...

To see Dave's everyday wardrobe is to understand what fashion-eschewing conservationist he really is. I'd have believed you, too, based simply on your duds.

Whitney said...

Oh, and posting fake anonymous comments complimenting yourself is a sad, desperate cry for help. It's called Prozac, and you can get it pretty easily on the Internet.

Al DePantsdowno said...

I feel a similar bonding with the other five readers of your blog.

eric said...

Tuna and other saltwater industrial fishing practices is a bigger problem than the cattle industry, and chicken waste is a huge problem with runoff--so I guess you should just grow your own vegetables and subsist on a handful of calories, but I have to agree with Witney about your duds; you've saved enough on those to eat whatever you want.

Dave said...

whoever this anonymous is-- i think he (or she!) is much nicer to me than my "friends."

A New Sentence Every Day, Hand Crafted from the Finest Corinthian Leather.