Ian Gets Stung While Wearing Pajamas

Rough week for Ian: he got bit on the arm by a kid at school-- the biter's teeth made vampire fang marks but luckily the kid had all his shots; Ian also has a cut under his foreskin; and, on top of that, last night, while he was in his pajamas, after story time, moments before he was about to snuggle up in bed, he stepped on a bee that found it's way into out house (probably on my clothes while I was planting a tree) and so we went from serenity to hysteria; I grabbed the bee off his foot and threw it, but I couldn't find the stinger, and then I couldn't find the bee and wondered if someone else was going to step on it . . . but Catherine managed to locate it, and it was dead, and the stinger was lodged between Ian's toes-- a tender spot and hard to get at (kid's toes are tiny!) but he handled it like a little man and definitely know he's not allergic now.


eric said...

Great story Dave, but it is way harder to ridicule you when your sentences are about your kids.

rob said...

there's always the old standby about dave naming his kid for the lead singer of a band whose name he once had tattooed on his leg only to subsequently replace it with the logo of the band for whom he plans to name his next child. i can't wait until 'sentence of ween' enters this world.

Dave said...

perhaps the sentence will become a family legacy, and we'll keep it going for a couple hundred years.

Whitney said...

Well, whoever had "foreskin" in the Bet Which Words Will Never Appear in the Sentence of Dave is out. Still in the mix but sitting scared are onomatopoeia, Uther Pendragon, loofah, donkey punch, staphylococcus, chafe, rainbow, Mertz, and kindness.

Dave said...

you go down, and you find mertz . . .

A New Sentence Every Day, Hand Crafted from the Finest Corinthian Leather.