Close Enough

Six yards off is still a fairly accurate revelation.


A revelation: the Giants will beat Green Bay in overtime with a 41 yard field goal.

Yin and Yang

We eluded the snow on our way to Vermont, but not whatever is giving me the shits.

If Bruce Were in Futurama

Tonight, we'll be racing the storm up Route 87-- it almost sounds like a Bruce Springsteen song, aside from the kids in the back watching "The Incredibles" on their miniature video screens.

You Can Get This Stuff Over-the-Counter?

The potency of Nyquil always astounds me.

Te ves sexy en ese bikini de metal . . .

I finally got my comeuppance for illegally burning DVD's I get from the library-- we sat down to watch "Return of the Jedi" only to find that the dialogue was dubbed in Spanish (not that it made much difference, I think the boys understood it just as well, and Princess Leia is still just as hot in her metal bikini). Do They KNOW What 100% Means?

Despite the one-hundred percent chance of snow promised, we are going to school today-- but I guess a Giants victory over Dallas and a snow-day would be too much to ask for.

Where the Fuck Do You Get Lunch on a Saturday in Princeton?

Who knew that both Conte's and Tortuga's Mexican Village are both closed for lunch on Saturdays?

Can We Get A Replay On That?

Ours was a house of vomit and and worse last night (but Catherine did make an amazing play at the vegetable market-- she saw Ian's mouth watering, and in one motion she grabbed a plastic bag, tore it off the roll, opened it, positioned it . . . and he upchucked into that instead of all over the avocados).


Finally, relief from the worm that's been gnawing at my brain: the ramp for the new crawl space can go inside the basement!


Last night, spellbound by his first viewing of the Star Wars Trilogy, Alex insisted that "The Empire Strikes Back" should actually be called "Darth Vader on the Loose!" (exclamation point his).


I'd like to thank the U.S. Postal Service for getting me my movie on time-- "Street Fight" arrived today and now the rest of my week will be smooth and easy.


I'm really counting on Blockbuster to mail me "Street Fight" -- if it doesn't arrive by Friday I'm going to have to teach.


"The Big Doe Rehab" and unseasonably warm weather is the cure for the winter blues.


We have an ant farm with dead ants in it on our shelf.


We met with the kitchen design lady the other night, and she showed us some very nice kitchens she designed-- but they were TOO nice, it made nervous-- if our kitchen is that nice, then do we have to start making the rest of our house nice?-- and where does it end?-- do I have to start dressing nice?-- driving a nice car?-- saying nice things to people?-- do I have to get that little skin flap cut off my eye-lid so I look nice? do I have to eat better food so my flatulence smells nice?-- where do you draw the line in the sand?


Too busy reading "The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao" to write a sentence today.


Last night, Catherine asked Alex to turn down the volume on the stereo, but he turned the knob the wrong way and turned the volume WAY up; he then clapped his hand over his ears, screamed, and ran into the kitchen-- it was really really funny.

Why Are There So Many Televisions At The Gym?

Catherine and I went to the gym together on New Year's Day, and we put Alex and Ian in the kid's play area while we worked out-- it's a large open space with a indoor jungle gym and some of those big red and yellow cars that you sit in-- they were very excited, but when we returned, the lady had turned the TV on and this annoyed me because I wanted my kids to get some exercise, not watch TV, and because we never let them watch any TV, they get mesmerized by it, and essentially can do nothing else but watch the screen-- even if it's crap-- so the question is: if we do this again, can I ask the lady not to turn the TV on?


My sentence per day completion rate is now one hundred percent for 2008, as compared to a pitiful 10.4 percent for 2007-- I'm also one hundred percent in 2008 for not losing my temper at the kids . . . as compared to a pitiful 6 percent in 2007.
A New Sentence Every Day, Hand Crafted from the Finest Corinthian Leather.